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Black Beauty Zucchini Squash (25 seeds)

Black Beauty Zucchini Squash (25 seeds)

PowerGrow Systems & Utah Hydroponics

  • $ 399

The standard summer squash, introduced to U.S. markets in the 1920s. Compact everbearing bush plants are loaded with glossy green-black fruits with firm white flesh. Best eaten when under 8" long. Excellent variety for freezing. 1957 All America Selections. 45-65 days.

  • Direct sow seeds outdoors 1" deep after danger of frost
  • Thin to 3-4 plants in a 6' radius
  • Germination in 7-14 days (as little as 2 days with the Super Starter Kit!)
  • Full sun

Green Thumb Tip: Sow seeds outdoors in 12" diameter hills after danger of frost has passed. Hills should be spaced 6' apart in all directions. Can also be started indoors 3 weeks before transplanting out.

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